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Covid - 19 and Menstruation

The Government of India has announced that COVID vaccination will be available to every individual over the age of 18 years from 1st May 2021. This will include a number of women in the reproductive age group and who have menstrual cycles. 


There have been rumours and fake news posts on social media which claim that women should avoid vaccination during certain times of the menstrual cycle.


Such claims are completely unscientific. There is no physiological, endocrine or immunological basis affecting vaccination based on the day of the menstrual cycle. Women should take the vaccine on any day of the menstrual cycle including the days of periods. There is no scientific basis for delaying or avoiding vaccination for this reason. 

Covid vaccination followed by preventive measures - wearing a mask, frequent hand wash with soap or hand sanitiser with 60% alcohol and social distance may be the best protection of lives of our girls and women.


- Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI)

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